Parcel Tracking from China

You will receive the parcel tracking number within three working days of payment confirmation. All parcels with Taobao orders for international delivery from China are automatically shipped the next day after the second payment is confirmed.

The following page provides information about tracking parcels from China: Delivery tracking for parcels from China.

Attention: tracking information does not immediately appear online.

Tracking for Air Mail (China Air Mail) should appear online within ten days of receiving the tracking number.

EMS tracking (China Express Mail Service) should be available online within five business days of receiving the tracking number.

If tracking information is still unavailable online within the specified time, please inform us by contacting online support.

The estimated delivery time for AIR MAIL (China Air Mail) is 15-40 days.

Estimated delivery time for EMS (China Express Mail Service): 10-28 days

Estimated delivery time for DHL, FedEx, and UPS: 7-15 days

Attention: We provide only an estimated time, but many outside factors, such as local customs, postal service delays, weather conditions, etc., can influence delivery time.

For additional questions, please check the FAQ.

Have a pleasant shopping with Parcel Up!