Parcel Up provides services to buy items from following individual customer order instructions.
We expect your understanding that the responsibility for selecting items from Taobao and providing instructions for the purchase lies entirely on the customer.
We are not responsible for the quality and conformity of the items’ descriptions and photos provided by the seller. So, you should choose items from sellers with a good rating, a high sales volume, and an optimal price. You can find additional information here: choose items on
Upon receipt of items at our warehouse, Parcel Up checks the quality of the goods and their compliance with your order instructions regarding size, color, and configuration. Note: The quality of the items is checked only for visual defects. We do not check the material and texture of the items, nor do we check the operation of electronic goods due to a lack of technical expertise and inability to perform such tests.
Exchange or return of items is only possible before we ship your order from China.
During order purchasing, we are responsible for:
We guarantee that we will purchase the goods only by following the link you provide in order and corresponding to your order instructions. Purchasing occurs within 24 hours from confirmation of the first payment, provided that the Taobao seller is reachable online and can confirm that the item is available.
During order purchasing, we are not responsible for the following:
When you do not specify the product’s exact color, size, or configuration.
When you buy Taobao items without specifying the standard size and providing us with individual personal sizes to help you choose the right size, the Taobao seller is responsible for the size selection.
Also, we can not guarantee Taobao sellers’ performance and actions, such as the inability to deliver items, delay in item delivery, or the seller committing an error while shipping your order.
If the seller sends the wrong item, we will immediately exchange it for the right one. If there is a seller’s mistake, the Taobao seller should bear the delivery cost of exchanging the wrong items. The exchange of items can last seven days, but sometimes it may take longer. The exchange or return of items follows the rules and policy of and Taobao sellers. We cannot in any way affect the speed of this process.
If the seller does not offer item exchange/return, our procurement department will request that you confirm the purchase of such goods and communicate that you understand that if the item has any issues, it cannot be exchanged or returned. You will also have the option to cancel the item before buying it.
If your buyer has ordered the wrong item, then we will exchange the item at our expense.
If you see items in the photo that do not comply with your order request, you should use the appropriate function near the corresponding item on your order page. Here, you can specify the issue, tell us what you wish to do with the items (exchange or return), and indicate the reason. We will contact the seller to discuss the possibility of an item exchange or return.
If the seller agrees, item exchange/refund will take place according to policy and the rules set by the Taobao seller, including the cost of delivery and the amount of payment for compensation for items in case of return (for example, some sellers pay for shipping, while others accept exchange only if the buyer bears delivery costs; also, some sellers may not return the full amount for returned items). We should respect the rules set by the seller.
Note: In most cases, if items do not correspond with what we bought from the seller, they can be exchanged or returned within seven days from the date of purchase. Please frequently check your order status, and as soon as there are photos of your Taobao order, immediately check that everything is correct.
If you want to return or exchange items for personal reasons, we will contact the seller to discuss this possibility. Shipping costs for item returns will be at your expense. If you exchange the item, you must also add the delivery to our warehouse.
When we return the items to the Taobao seller, we will not refund our commission for such items.
All information about exchanged or returned items is on your order page.