We know time is crucial for you, and delivery time for Taobao parcels is one of our customers’ most common questions. We are here to tell you the approximate time for domestic delivery (within China), international shipping, and a few more important words about tracking.
Once your order is placed at Parcel Up, you probably can’t wait to receive the tracking information and hope your parcel arrives soon. Order process and delivery are not that easy, and some take time. Below, we provide more details on the time needed for your order and international delivery.
Domestic Shipping (within China)
When we order your items on Taobao, it takes approximately 2-5 business days for them to arrive at our warehouse. Very rarely, sellers provide incorrect tracking information or accidentally ship the parcel to a different address. In such a case, please allow us some time to work with sellers to clarify the situation and resolve any issue, and we will always keep you informed.
International Shipping
All parcels are automatically shipped the next day after confirmation of the second payment.
Parcel Up can only provide an estimated delivery time, as international shipping could be affected by reasons beyond our control. Delivery time varies for different destination countries, depending mainly on the speed of the customs clearance and postal services. Below is the average delivery time of Parcel Up international shipping services:
Estimated delivery time for AIR MAIL (China Air Mail): 15-40 days
Estimated delivery time for EMS (China Express Mail Service): 7-28 days
Estimated delivery time for DHL: 7-15 days
Tracking Your Parcels
Parcel Up customers can track parcels from China directly on their order pages or at the postal services websites. The parcel tracking number is provided within 3 days after the second payment confirmation. Sometimes tracking information takes time to update, especially for Air Mail, so please be patient. However, if there is no update on tracking after 5 days for EMS parcels and 10 days for Air Mail parcels, please contact us for status verification.
We understand that everyone wants to see their purchases as soon as possible without delay, so you can always contact our support team if you have any concerns. We will look up all information about your parcel for you! Enjoy shopping with Parcel Up!