How to save and plan efficiently your orders with Parcel Up (Taobao FOCUS)!
Most sellers will provide discounts 50%, 60% and even 90% for their items that day. Discounts will be valid for exactly 24 hours from 00:00 to 23:59 Chinese time.
How to search for promotional goods?
Method 1.
If you want to find November 11 sales items, you should go to , or and write “双11” or “11.11” or “1111购物狂欢节” into Search field (1 in the picture below) .
Method 2.
Search of «11.11» items on Taobao
1). Open Taobao main page or
2). Enter the name of item in Chinese into field (1) and click on Search button (2).
(You can use Google Translate for translations)
After that , you will be redirected to general search engine .
3). Then, click on button, shown in the picture below ( you can also click on button, next to specified one on the right), that’s it!
11.11 sale goods will be shown automatically!
Search of 11.11 items on Tmall is done by the same way.
Open main page of Tmall
Do point 2 , as we described above , and then click on button, shown in the picture below.
Method 3.
You can check all links below and choose some goods or stores, if you liked something:
- Follow this link and you will see interactive map, where you will be able to find official stores of Chinese and Worldwide brands on Tmall –
2. Here you can find the list of all Taobao shops, that take part in the sale –
3. Here you can find the list of all Tmall shops, that take part in the sale –
Especially for you, we have made some advices that will help you to make orders efficiently:
- Create orders with sales goods in advance.
- If discount price is already known, you can add this item to your Shopping Cart and make payment day before 11.11.
- Consider the time difference. Beijing time is always available here
- If there is no discount price for chosen item, but there should be one 11.11 , we will recalculate the price during ordering process.
- All products are purchased with available funds on your orders, so we recommend you to recharge your Parcel Up (Taobao FOCUS) account in advance.
- Make sure, you wrote right color, size and other options, when you added your item to Shopping Cart.
- Make the list of links for case of replacements.
- Follow your order to make all replacements and replies quick enough.
IT IS IMPORTANT! We cannot guarantee prices, discounts, and stock of items. Also there is a chance that shipping will take more time than usual, because of delivery services occupation during next few days after 11.11.
Note! Some items can be bought with a discount price already. But if you want to buy some item with maximum discount, you should follow item’s and seller’s pages. Usually maximum discount is available only 11.11. Count time, so we were able to buy your goods.
Discounts are valid only 24 hours November 11 Beijing time
Beijing time can be checked here
Sales on Taobao and Tmall will end on November 12 at 00:00 Chinese time.
In case of new questions about planning orders or sales items appear, you should contact us on Facebook or Online support.
Enjoy your shopping with Parcel Up (Taobao FOCUS)!
Read our other article Taobao Online Shopping Festival 11.11!