All items that you want to buy from Taobao should be submitted to the shopping cart using our Taobao order system. Unless you choose the item directly from our translated catalog, to add items to a shopping cart, you need a direct link to the Taobao item. The link (URL) often starts with,, or, but other kinds of links are possible, too.
To add an item successfully, you need to make sure that it is a direct link to the item (Taobao item page) and is not the search results page or Taobao shop page (on the Taobao item page must be specified: seller, price, and product description). Also, our system may not accept links to translated pages.
The seller should have a rating of at least one “heart”.
If the item does not respect these rules (direct link, seller with rating), adding the item will fail.
* Price adjustment
If the price of a Taobao item depends on its configuration or if it is on sale, and our system does not display the correct amount, you should specify the exact price in the field “Price adjustment.” Our system initially may calculate the maximum price for the item, which you should pay in the first payment. Then, during order processing, the price is adjusted, and the difference is deducted from the second payment for international shipping. The contrary may also happen: the displayed price may be only a preorder price, so we may request additional payment when purchasing the item.
* Specify size, color
Color and size should be specified only based on information supplied by the seller on the item page. You cannot specify the size or color if the seller does not list them. More information is available here: Choose The Correct Item Parameters.
Color: You can specify the color in Chinese or English. If you use a translator, please look for the correct color — do not write non-existent colors and avoid complex colors, which are not always clear to understand. Specifying the color in Chinese is preferable by copying it from the item page and pasting it into the comment field. It speeds up the purchase and order processing and reduces the risk of mistakes, which means even more time savings.
If you do not specify the color, we will purchase the item exactly as in the main photo of the Taobao item.
Size: You should specify the size provided by the Taobao seller. If there is no size chart on the Taobao item page, you can consider that the items are of standard size, and then you can choose the desired size with the help of Size Conversion Charts.
Sometimes, the seller does not specify the size or color on the Taobao item page. There may be two options: either the item is not available, or the product is available but only in one size and one color, as displayed on the main photo of the Taobao item.
* Comments
In the item comment, you can write alternative size/color, for example, “If there is no white color, I can take red”. You can also provide additional information, such as personal measurements, item model, or other specifications.
Please do not include links for replacement, packing instructions, or repeated information in the comments. We will not consider such comments. If you have any questions or information/requests to add to your order, please contact Online Support.
Attention: We will cancel the item if it is out of stock or does not correspond to your requirements. Please provide as precise information as possible to avoid item cancellation.
Each order can contain up to 25 items shipped in one parcel to one address. If you need to ship more than 25 items in one parcel, you must create an additional order, pay for it, and then combine orders during purchasing. For further information, Track The Purchasing Process.
After you have added all items to the shopping cart and before creating an order, you have to Input The Delivery Address And Choose The Shipping Mode.