Input Delivery Address and Shipping Method

You should provide the delivery address and shipping method for each Taobao order.

We accept the address only in Latin letters.
Lewis Brown
888 Fifth Avenue, apt. 8018
New York 10018
United States of America

You need to submit the address before creating your order. Orders without a valid delivery address will not be processed until you add the address. You can change the delivery address for your Taobao order throughout order processing and before the second payment.

Choose shipping method: You can choose the most appropriate method depending on the delivery speed and cost. Please note that express delivery EMS and DHL are unavailable in some countries.

Information about available countries: International Shipping From China, Parcel Delivery Fees.

Weight limits: 20 kg for China Air Mail and 30 kg for EMS.

The estimated delivery time for a parcel from China is here:
Parcel Tracking from China.

You can click the “Create order” button when everything is submitted. Your new order will be saved in our Taobao order system with a unique number, and then you can make the first payment.